Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Baking

I am bringing gluten free chocolate cake to school for my what San Diego Eats exhibition in environmental science. The project was to show the differences in what families eat. For my family, I wanted to emphasize our most significant difference-- gluten free foods, so I made this gluten free dessert. Baking seemed so much easier than it usually is. My baking skills seem to be improving, as proven by my cakes. It turned moist and fluffy. Unfortunately, the homemade frosting (which is usually a snap to make,) didn't turn out, so I used store-bought frosting.

I also made Snickerdoodles for the first time to celebrate Christmas with friends before winter break. I forgot to dip the dough in cinnamon and sugar the first time and they were overbaked. But the second batch turned out perfect.

Here are the recipes used:
(converted to 1/2 serving)